Balboa Park is a wonderful place to spend the day. Of course, this is the day that Kellan came down with hand, foot, and mouth, though we had no idea yet, so he wasn't feeling much like photographs.

We visited the Winchester Mystery House while in the Bay Area for the wedding. A fun family attraction in San Jose.

My sister, Amanda, lives out in the California desert in the lovely little town of Ridgecrest. Her fiance is stationed at the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Division. We enjoyed a few days there in the hot desert sun.

"Its too hot for a walk! Why did she take me for a walk in the desert? What am I supposed to do out here? Dehydration, I am out of drink, somebody help!"

At the San Diego Model Railroad Museum.

Enjoying a beautiful day at the beach on Coronado Island

An evening at The San Diego Zoo, where my camera ran out of battery!

Hanging out at home in Grandpa's truck and reading books with Auntie.

A morning at Seaport Village with Auntie.

Don't jump!

...we'll be home again soon