First Kellan decided that he would drive us there. By way of San Diego. Of course.

We found a spooky tractor display. Kellan tried to be a zombie.

This was Kellan's absolute favourite tractor. We have about 500 pictures of him with it. He even hugged it. I do worry for his future.

He thought that Grandpa would like this one. Not sure why. And not sure about the face.

The ever present "lemonade shake-up". You can't attend an event in central Illinois without having one of these. Or two. Or three. Kellan kept saying that he was thirsty, but wouldn't drink water because "my tummy is stirsty for lemomade".

Riding on the train.

Sitting in front of a wagon.

Playing on the straw bales. Not hay. Straw. We had a lecture from an old farmer when Kellan made the mistake of calling it hay. It is dried baled wheat. In case you care. Why do we call them hay bales then???

A couple of Kellan's other favourite tractors. This one also got a lot of hugs. He calls it the "lemomade tractor".

This was the "engine tractor".

We also attended the New Berlin homecoming parade earlier this morning with Dominic and Caden. Figured I'd stick in a few cute photos from that event too. We are all lemonade and candied out today!