The world famous (well, famous in our world anyway!) zoo campout pancake breakfast. The zoo director, Talon, grills up some amazing pancakes!

An early morning hike to see the animals at their best.

My only complaint about the weekend's experience is illustrated here (click on the photo to enlarge -- our tent is the grey and red). There were a total of five families at the campout. There is a huge area in which to camp, as well as another area across the way. We were first to arrive and set up camp, only to return to our tent later and find that another family had put their tent right next to ours! It was so bizarre. And not only that, but they were the most annoyingly whiney people on the planet. The man and boy didn't actually speak, they only whined. They whined when we tried to go to sleep, they whined at 5:45am when the lemurs set off with their early morning song, they whined in this photo as they tramped to the bathroom before breakfast. Anyway, a minor complaint, but seriously, isn't it weird that they camped right on top of us?

There is always lots of playground time at the zoo campouts.

Still wearing his pajamas.