Wait, there's a train! Behind two goofy kids.

Ok, now this one isn't my fault. Here are the boys posing on the hand car before I handed the camera over to Nic, got on, and off we went down the rails. But Nic didn't take any photos of us!

The boys up in an engine.

Waiting for the motor car rides to get underway. They loved this. Speeding down the tracks in a totally open car. I held on to them tight!

Lunch break by the tracks.

This was one of those classic rides where they pedal the cars with their arms. It was a lot of work and the operators made them go around about 20 times each ride. Still, they'd be back in line begging to do it again the minute that they got off!

They absolutely loved this train simulator. Antoine is driving and Kel is in charge of the whistle. Serious business.

Kel took this photo of us near the end of the day. Don't we look exhausted? Two boys is a lot of work!