Kel's favourite day of the trip so far was our super fun day at
Legoland Windsor. We both agree that Legoland Windsor far surpasses Legoland California in every way. We'll definitely be back!

This was a fun digger "ride" where the kids controlled their own digger and loaded a bucket with rocks.

Lego London. Very cool.

Kel did so well at the Lego Driving School and even earned his UK license! He had no trouble driving on the left, handling roundabouts, and obeying the UK street signs and markings. He has promised to help me out in Australia later this year.

Driving the boat.

This was a fun super fast spinning train ride. I went on once, then left it to the Kel. Crowds were light and we were able to ride most of the rides over and over again without even getting off in between. I think that he went four times around this before moving on. Surprised that he could still stand upright!

The Lego creations here were amazing. They had all sorts of European landmarks and amazing layouts. This was an Italian castle, I believe. Or possibly something in Belgium. Kel wanted a photo with it, anyway.

The helicopters. He spent almost an hour on these!

Hard to see, but this is the submarine ride, very cool. Like Nemo at Disneyland, but with real fish, sharks, rays, etc.

Lego steam train. Nic is sorry to have missed out on this one.