Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Two week round up

We have been hosting my in laws over the past two weeks, so things were a bit hectic. Kellan had a wonderful visit and loved every minute. They truly do give him 100% of their attention from waking right through to bedtime. They entertain him all day, take him places, read him as many books as he brings, play the same game 500 times if he should wish it, sit with him through endless mealtimes, distract him from upset, and simply take all the work out of parenting! They really are amazing grandparents. They also talk to him constantly and his language advanced incredibly while they were here. They are Welsh, so have a very soothing sing-song way of speaking. I'm not sure if it was the quality, the repetition, or simply the constant bombardment of loving speech, but he is speaking more clearly and with far greater complexity than before.

My camera broke during their visit, so these were all taken on my father in law's camera. I liked it so much that I bought the same one on Monday. Kellan had a wonderful two weeks, Nic enjoyed seeing his parents, and I survived with my sanity relatively intact. All in all, it was a great success.

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