Two smiling boys.

They discovered a snowboarding game. This was a big hit.

Hugs for the camera which took a photo of the winning pair. Doubles snowboarding? It could happen.

All dressed up to present the day's news. Maddox has his suit jacket and Kel is wearing a rain coat, presumably to do the weather report. Goofy boys.

Playing at the water table.

Look at Kel's face. Maddox had obviously done something horribly egregious. A dispute over rubber duckies? These water table games get serious.

The super fun wind tubes.

Maddox working on the car.

Maddox working under the car!

Kel grocery shopping.

Boys in the bubble room. I love this shot.

Back at the news room. This time they requested that I photograph the television monitors while they were doing their thing.

Look at Maddox in the background here!

Boys in a cage. As it should be.

Goofing around in the elevator. Maddox is blurry, otherwise it would have been a perfect shot. Keeping one of them still is victory enough.

Change of venue. Here are the boys having a little DS tournament the next morning. So cute in their pajamas.

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