He wasn't best pleased (so uncool!), but Kel finally consented to me snapping a few photos on his first day of First Grade at his brand new school,
Farmingdale Elementary. The first two days have been a great success, and I even caught Nic reading through the school handbook, page by page, this evening. Nic, taking an interest in Kel's school? This is new! Kellan will be with the same group of kids now for the next 12 years, until he graduates from high school. Loving small town life so far.
A few shots of our new student at his very own desk.

I tried to get some shots out front, but the sun was right in his eyes (facing due west at 7:45am on an August morning), so this was the best of the bunch. It was also a bit chaotic with all of the new arrivals and he was absolutely desperate to get in to meet his teacher and see his classroom. Here's to our boy and a great school year ahead!