Some photos from our first day of winter break. And what an appropriate way to spend it! We had just enough snow to hit the sled hill and had a super day out together.
Kel snapped a few shots of me too. See, I do go out in the snow. Occasionally.
We hit the playground after a couple of hours sledding.
Realized that I hadn't put any photos up from this year's basketball season. I don't have many, but here are a few from Kel's 2009 basketball season, playing for The Celtics.
I love his face in this one. That boy is not going to get through with the ball. Just try it, buddy.
A happy face while he dribbles down the court.
Look at him guarding that guy! Way to go, son.
Searching for an open man.
Playing around with his teammates. It was a fun season. Once he actually decided to play!
For family members and friends who aren't on Facebook, here is some video from the Montessori Children's House holiday programme. Kel even had a speaking part! Enjoy the highlights.
I am an incredibly proud parent today: Kel participated in his first competitive swim meet and did an amazing job. At 5 years old, he was two years younger than the next youngest group of swimmers, so had to compete against the 7 and 8 year old boys. He held his own in Freestyle and Backstroke, didn't do too badly in Breaststroke, and could certainly have used some extra help in the old Butterfly. But then, who couldn't? And it was so sweet the way that everybody would applaud when he came into the wall. He's hyped up and ready to do it again as soon as possible. I think he's found his athletic calling.
Here's our little swimmer. This is his team suit, a size too big because it was crazy expensive compared to his normal practice Speedos and I didn't want to risk him outgrowing it this season and having to buy a new one. A bit baggy, but it works.
That's Kel's coach lining the boys up for their next race. Behind Kellan is Lleyton, a good friend of his from school. It was Lleyton's mom who encouraged us to have Kel try out for SUSA. I didn't think that he was quite ready yet. Apparently, I was wrong.
Breaststroking down the pool.
In between races, the boys hung out over on the team bleachers. Kel was tired!
An exhausted boy getting dressed after the meet. Nic is putting on the old wool socks.
Last weekend was the annual Lunch on the Train with Santa outing in Monticello, IL. This is a fun event for the whole family. Everybody gets to have lunch on the train while Santa comes around to each child for a little chat. Trains, Santa, and food -- a winning combination.
Here are a few shots of Kel next to the train before we got underway. Wearing his current favourite Lightning McQueen winter hat.
Kel on the train, getting ready for Santa.
Posing for some photos with Mom.
And goofing around with Dad.
Santa!!! Actually, Kel said that this Santa had "mad eyes", so he wasn't terribly impressed this year. Santa wouldn't look at the camera, so I can't prove it, but they certainly didn't have the usual Santa glint in them.
On the return journey, Kel took this photo of me and Nic.
We then set him loose with the camera for a few minutes. He took these as well...
I am a palynologist, a mother, and a wife -- not necessarily in that order. Recently moved from the UK and currently stranded in the Midwest. Good job in a less than perfect location.