Monday, August 31, 2009


We stayed overnight near Portsmouth with Steve and his family (our extended family in a very extended sort of way). That evening we went down to the seaside for a walk, some chips, and a visit to the amusements.

Bit of time delay here.

I love this shot of Kel and Uncle Steve sitting on the rocks, watching the hovercraft come in from the Isle of Wight. The land that you can see in the background is the Island.

Kel enjoying the amusements. Here he goes on the teacups, insistent that he wasn't going to spin it much...

...and then the well meaning (possibly sadistic) ride operator gave him a good spin every time he went past. Not so great on the post-dinner belly it seems.

More rides.

Throwing stones into the sea.

A chilly couple.

The hovercraft docked at Portsmouth.

At the end of the night, Kel's legs were all worn out. Lucky, as always, to have Uncle Steve!

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