Friday, September 23, 2005

An early start to the sick season

We've had a long sleepless week. Kellan has another lung infection going and, though he seems to be feeling reasonably well, he's awake most of the night coughing and I haven't had anything near my usual lack of a night's sleep since last weekend. He just can't sleep for coughing and when he can't sleep, he needs mommy (or, more correctly, he needs "nursies"). He's back on the nebulizer, inhaling albuterol and a steroid at four hourly intervals, but I haven't noticed much improvement yet. We have two weeks of treatment to complete and only started on Wednesday night, so hopefully he will be on the mend shortly.

I broke down and bought a new Elmo's World video for him to watch during treatments. Both for us and for him. You can only watch Dora the Explorer so many times a day! He's also recently started on The Wiggles, but generally just likes the singing and dancing, rather than the between song chat. Dora and Elmo remain his firm favourites. I wouldn't normally condone so much television time, but I challenge you to coax a 19 month old to sit still for 30 minutes and breath in the nebulizer treatments some other way!

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