Sunday, July 20, 2008

Children's Museum

Apologies for the inconsistency in these photos, but I wasn't very impressed with our day's takings, started messing around in Photoshop, and then ran out of time! So, the final product here is what was left when I stopped messing around because it was time to head for the water park this morning. Sorry. Some photos from a day at the Children's Museum.

Practicing for his future career as a pediatrician. Yes, I'm going to be that kind of mother.

Rhythmic gymnastics. Its an actual Olympic "sport" I guess Yeah.

Getting very tired. Probably from all of his hard work down the coal mine.

He apparently missed the memo on the fact that we don't buy chemically dangerous detergent in our home. I do miss that cancer causing fresh from the wash smell though...

Produce? Kellan? Yeah, right. Only if they sell mac and cheese there.

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