Friday, August 06, 2010

Driving up the California coast

On our way to the Bay Area, we took the scenic drive up Highway 1 through Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, Big Sur, and Carmel, among other foggy coastal locales. The weather was cold and damp, the views somewhat obscured by fog, but we still had a wonderful time exploring the coast (and hunting for rare bathrooms!).

Kel overlooking the beach at Morro Bay.

In front of Morro Rock.

Goofy Grandpa.

This squirrel was trying to eat my toes! I snapped this photo of him making a beeline for my foot, again, before leaping away for my life.

We stopped off to see the Elephant Seals at Piedras Blancas. Here is Kel on the boardwalk.

Kel looking out over the elephant seals.

Dad was really "in to " these bridges. Which, ironically, you can't see behind us here. We kept having to stop to photograph bridges!

There's the bridge behind Kel!

Later in the day, as we arrived in Carmel, the sun came out. At last. It was beach time!

There were sea otters swimming at the beach! Hard to get a decent photo, but here's one hanging out as the waves pass him by.

The mission at Carmel.

Kel took this photo of Pat, Mom, me (red faced after too many glasses of wine!), and Dad. Frank was in the bathroom and missed the photo op.

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