California Adventure was our first stop. Here is Kel posing in the "O" on the California sign.
He got to meet the real Lightning McQueen. This was a major thrill.
Merry Christmas from sunny California.
Once he saw the ferris wheel, he had to go on. But, "not on the rocking cars", so we had to go in the lame non-swinging gondola line. Still, it was a nice view from the top and he enjoyed the ride instead of panicking as the gondolas moved along their tracks.
Once we'd had our fill of California Adventure, we moved over to Disneyland for the evening. We had all the next day at Disneyland as well, but it is by far the better of the two parks and we wanted to get a jump start on our fun.
Kel loves the Teacups.
Bad transition, but it got dark and I put the camera away. This is a random silly shot from our hotel room that night. Kel is trying on a snowboard helmet. He has been obsessed with the idea of it all since our Mammoth Mountain trip.
And then there was Day Two. A not so magic day in the Magic Kingdom. We woke at 6am to look out of the window and see, horror of horrors, RAIN! In southern California. What??? How could this be? We remained optimistic, had our showers and headed for breakfast. Surely the rain would have to stop soon. It never rains here, let alone rains for more than a few brief minutes. Ha.
Eventually, along with everybody else in the park, we resorted to the plastic bag rain ponchos. Which we wore pretty much all day. It rained. It poured. It rained some more. It didn't stop until 3pm. And then it started again at 7pm. Good grief. What a day. We were absolutely soaked -- and this was only 10am.
I packed the camera away in my backpack underneath the plastic bag poncho to protect it from the damp. So, no photos until the rain finally stopped. At which point, there was great rejoicing.
Dad got kind of attached to his plastic bag poncho. But, he did eventually take it off. Here they are on the Autopia.
Seriously, there is always traffic in L.A.
Kel and Auntie on the Dumbo ride. This is his very favourite. Though, he keeps calling it "Nemo". Which is kind of good because we never did get on Nemo since the line was always over an hour long and all of it out in the open (ie out in the rain). But, hey, Kel thinks that he went on it! Who are we to spoil the illusion?
On the carousel.
The end of a fun Disney holiday. Main Street was all lit up for Christmas. Beautiful. And, despite the soaking wet pants and chattering teeth, Kel is still all smiles for Disneyland.
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